Fullstack DeveloperEloquent Studio Private Limited- I have 10+ years of experience in development, solution designing and deployments using open source technologies. |
Full Stack DeveloperEloquent Studio Private LimitedI am having 6+ years of experience in developing highly scalable web applications and APIs using Ruby and Ruby related frameworks, Javascript, Elixir and Node.js. Deep expertise in developing web appl... |
Full-stack EngineerEloquent Studio Private LimitedI am an accomplished full-stack engineer specializing in Ruby on Rails and Javascript with 4+ years of experience in developing highly scalable web applications and APIs with Ruby, REST and GraphQL.... |
Senior Software EngineerEloquent Studio Private LimitedI have 2.5 years of hands-on experience on Ruby, Rails, Elixir, and DevOps technologies. |
Backend DeveloperSidhyati Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd.3.5 years of professional experience in software systems analysis, design, and development. Worked on Web applications and Windows desktop application. Proficient in C#, .Net Core 2+, Asp.Net MVC, Uni... |
RoR developerTechHighway Systems Pvt. Ltd.A professional atmosphere that enables to come up with the Ruby on Rails, technologies and emerging hottest concepts with the scope of my innovative ideas....
HTMLRoRAjaxBootstrapJavascriptMySQL+10MySQLWindowsUbuntu LinuxPostgreSQLRuby on RailsRailsRubyJavaScriptJQueryCSS
DevOps EngineerHeapTrace Technology Pvt. LtdI'm a DevOps and Performance engineer with 4+ Years of qualitative experience in Applications Development in various technologies, platforms and domains with skills in Continuous integration, Linux ad...
RubyJavascriptPythonJUnitLoadrunnerJCrawler+29JCrawlerWebLoadJenkinsJirabitbucketPuttyMacOSWindowsLinuxUNIXRethinkDBAmazon RDSMsSQLPostgreSQLMySQLMongoDBVagrantVisual StudioEclipsePowerShellBASHC#JavaCI/CIT/CID integrationFeathersSailsAngularVueReact