The project is a web application which can be used or inserted into existing web application as a plug in for end users to communicate.
- ReactJs is used for UI development.
- We used firebase backend given the scope of project.
- Used MobX library for state management.
- The project is seed started from create react app utility.
- Added SASS compilation which is not supported by create react app.
- Even though we are using MobX, I tried to write immutable updates to store like Redux so we can avoid unintended side effects.
- Every page component is wrapped with props store for future scalability if we plan to add more stores or separate existing ones.
- Used ES6 syntax for writing javascript. Tried to avoid nested callbacks and instead used async –await pattern approach to wrap up every callback.
- Video calling feature is implemented using WebRTC platforms like PeerJs and Tokbox. One is open source while other is a paid one for flexibility.